Wednesday 26 April 2017

Connecting Essay - Laurens Kaldeway

Here is one of the images from my fourth shoot. I set my aperture f5.6, in order to create a very narrow depth of field, and focused on the centre of the note in foreground of the image. On the note, written in thick black ink,  reads "sometimes I wonder why. But I'll be OK now.", which could be a representation of the writer's self doubts, as well as their eventual reassurance of these doubts. The use of black ink is significant, as black can represent their overall strength after having periods of self doubt. Though the background is out of focus, you can see another post it note behind the one with black text on it, which has unreadable writing in blue ink on it; this could represent a different mindset of the writer, in which they were less sure of themself, creating a narrative in that that mindset is a thing of the past, which is why it's in the background and the one with black ink is in focus in the foreground.

 Here is an image by Laurens Kaldeway, which is titled "On the table". This has a narrow depth of field, in which the cup in the foreground is in focus and the book in the midground as well as the chess board in the background are out of focus. White and brown are prominent colours in the composition of this image, with white being present on the cup and saucer and the book and brown being present on the table and the book. White can represent innocence, whereas brown can represent health, therefore the viewer could draw from the use of these colours together that the person who's table is depicted in the image is innocent and therefore leads a healthy lifestyle.

My image connects well with Kaldeway's image. They both take place in similar home settings, with my image being in a kitchen and Kaldeway's being in what appears to be a living room, linking them both to the subject of everyday objects. I was inspired by Kaldeway's framing when I took my image, attempting to use the composition of having my focal point in the foreground, and then dropping my focus out of the course of the rest of the image, having things visible behind the focal point that help create the narrative.

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